
We are thinking of having a banner made to hang outside the village hall for a few days before each meeting. Andrea has kindly agreed to put it out on say the Monday and we will take it down at the meeting. The idea is to attract new members both from the village and from those collecting children from school. We still have to check where we would be allowed to hang it, but in the meantime…

I’ve been playing on the Vistaprint website and I’d like feedback on a possible design. The background is a premade Vistaprint one. There are hundreds of designs to choose from. The alternative is to download the WI symbol from the website and try and design our own. I’ve kept wording to a minimum and the website gives a useful point of contact without adding someone’s telephone number.

Any comments, suggestions or ideas on wording or design gratefully received!


Here’s a few other options to give you an idea of what’s available;


About craftycreeky

I live in a busy market town in Yorkshire with my husband, kids, dogs and chickens. I love trying new crafts, rediscovering old ones, gardening, walking...anything creative really I started this blog after my New Year resolution worked so well. My resolution (the first one I've ever kept!) was to post a photograph of my garden on Facebook every day. My hope was that I would then see what was good in the garden and not just weeds and work, which was my tendency. The unexpected side-effect was that I have enjoyed many more hours in the garden. I am hoping that 'The Crafty Creek' will have the same effect. Happy creating!
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9 Responses to Banner

  1. Jacqui Kimber says:

    Banner looks good, Margaret, but does the cake give the right impression? Would it be difficult to put something else on as well, reflecting something else we do, e.g. Comedy and Tragedy Mask for our theatre trips? Just a suggestion, NOT a criticism.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. BT internet says:

    Greetings from Malawi Fine as it is. Well done! Andrea

    Sent from my iPhone


    Liked by 1 person

  3. says:

    What a good idea’ Gwen

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Anne Finlay says:

    Great idea, maybe we could incorporate the WI logo too,
    well done Margaret

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sue says:

    Well they’re all good but personally I like the first one best as I think it’s the most eye-catching.


  6. Hazel Pullan says:

    I think it is a great idea. Could we could leave it up all the time, then Andrea does not have to deal with it each month and we hit all passing traffic?? Meetings second Thursday of the month?? H


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